One of the projects that I am working on totally leverages the out of the box social components and features of SharePoint 2010.  The trick, is that we have a super cool custom branding on the Portal, and do not use the default look for many controls.

We all know that the top right corner of any page has the “I Like It” and the “Tags and Notes” but what if you wanted to not use the Control that comes with the Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.WebControls Library?

FIGURE 1 – Out of the box control







Here is a quick way of adding the Tags and Notes JavaScript.  In my case, I simply wanted to label it “Tag Page”

<a title="Tag this Page" id="TagsAndNotes_ctl00_ctl42" onmouseover="" onclick="SafeRunFunction(function() { TagDialogOpener.Open('http:\u002f\u002fdemo2010a:45354\u002fen-us\u002fPages\u002fdefault.aspx', document.title, '0'); }, 'SocialData.js', 'TagDialogOpener');" href="javascript:;">Tag Page</a>



Click on link and the standard dialog shows up.

FIGURE 2 – Standard Tags Dialog Box










